Events 11/18 Synthetic Biology approaches and its applications

Hello International Students,

We will have the conference sponsored by University of Manchester & Fukusaki Lab,Department of Biotechnology as following information.
We look forward to seeing you there ! JOIN US !

Synthetic Biology approaches and its applications (English ONLY)

Date:2022/11/18(Fri.) 15:00-18:35
Free Entry
Place :Suntory Memorial Hall at C3 building (5th floor)

 Keynote: Ikuro Abe, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo,
 “Unusual Enzyme Reactions in Natural Product Biosynthesis”

 Francesco Del Carratore, Department Chemistry, MIB, The University of Manchester
 “Computational methods for systems and synthetic biology”

 Sastia Putri, Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
 “Metabolomics-driven approach for microbial strain improvement”

 Daisuke Kiga, Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience, Waseda University
 “Directed evolution of proteins using engineered genetic codes”

 Andrew Pitt, Department Chemistry, MIB, The University of Manchester
 “Lipids, proteins and high throughput screening: mass spectrometry for biotechnology”

◎16:45-16:55 Break

 Hiroyasu Onaka, Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agricultural & Life Sciences, University of Tokyo
 “RiPPs: ideal compounds for drug discovery of medium molecular weight compounds”

 Jack Connolly, Department Chemistry, MIB, The University of Manchester
 “Harnessing intercellular signals to engineer the soil microbiome”

 Shuichi Shimma, Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univesity
 “Mass Spectrometry Imaging – Application in medical sciences and microbe analysis”

 Erik Hanko, Department Chemistry, MIB, The University of Manchester
 “Development of novel and optimised biosynthesis pathways by integrating retrosynthesis and rapid prototyping approaches”

 Keynote:Akihiko Kondo, Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation, Kobe University
 “Development of biofoundry platform for rapid construction of microbial cell factories”