Reseach Result Prof. Shimoda’s been awarded IBPSA Fellow.

Professor Yoshiyuki Shimoda of the Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering has been awarded an “IBPSA Fellow” by the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA). The award is given to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in education, research, simulation and co-creation in the field of building simulation.
This fellowship award is given in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of building simulation in the areas of education, research and development of building stock energy models, and the application of these models in the field of building simulation. These contributions resulted in the development of large-scale, city and national-level, building stock energy models to illustrate the modelling process for the assessment of carbon-neutral building stock.

Award-winning photo(Prof. Shimoda)
Extra Prize (Plaque)

IBPSA-Fellow, BS2023

Shimoda Lab Website