Graduate School of Engineering > Division of Biotechnology > Department of Biotechnology
Professor OMASA Takeshi
Associate Professor YAMANO-ADACHI Noriko

Biochemical engineers are required to possess an integrated knowledge of governing biological properties and principles of chemical engineering methodology and strategy. We deal with the design, operation and optimization of bioprocesses concerned with the production of biological product by microbial and mammalian cells, including up- and down-stream processing working with industries. Current topics are mammalian and microbial cell and cell culture engineering for the production of biologics. Target biologics are enzymes, cytokines, therapeutic antibodies, vaccines and stem cell for cell therapy and drug evaluation.

Associate Professor SHIMMA Shuichi
Associate Professor SASTIA PRAMA PUTRI

In a turn of the century, environmental, food and energy problems are becoming more inevitable. Now is the time to develop an environmentally friendly and sustainable socialsystem; biotechnology plays a key role in this challenge. Bioresource Engineering is a technology in search of a “core biological agent”, and to evaluate its practicality. Our laboratory challenges the issues utilizing metabolomics and imaging mass spectrometry as our core competence. Our mission is to raise human resources, who will be the international leaders of the Biotechnology field.

Associate Professor KATO Yasuhiko
Assistant Professor NIKKO Adhitama

Many chemicals have been released into the environment in our modern society. However, despite much concern about possible harmful effects of the chemicals, their actual biological effects on humans and wildlife remain unclear. Our laboratory studies the biological responses elicited by environmental chemicals and is also establishing a new system for detecting chemicals using biological materials.

Associate Professor TORISU Tetsuo
Assistant Professor Yamaguchi Yuuki

Foods and drugs are produced by using biotechnology approaches. Our laboratory aims at contribution to produce food and drugs with higher quality and more safety though understanding physico-chemical properties and functions of biopolymers such as proteins, nucleic acid oligosaccharides. We are also engaged in the development of states-of-arts methods including mass spectrometry and modern analytical ultracentrifugation for deep and total understanding of the systems. Biophysical and biochemical analyses of food and food products are also conducted.

Associate Professor SEKI Hikaru
Assistant Professor YASUMOTO Shuhei

Plants produce a huge variety of specialized metabolites with different biological activities. Our primary interest is to understand the regulation and the synthesis of these compounds in plants identifying the genes involved in its biosynthesis and producing them using genetically modified organisms (bacteria, yeast, algae and model plants). More recently, we are promoting the study of valuable crops in a changing environment by combining genomics, metabolomics and genome editing technologies. Our goals and findings may contribute to promote health and increase food production in a climate-changing world.

Associate Professor KIM Mee-Hae
Assistant Professor YAMAMOTO Riku

We are conducting applied research on cell manufacturing such as modeling, optimization, measurement, and process development by elucidating biological phenomena for human tissues. In particular, we are working on the design, quality evaluation, and stabilization of stem cell manufacturing processes, including iPS cells and mesenchymal stem cells, which are expected to be applied to regenerative medicine.

Functional Microbe Technology Area

Professor AOKI Wataru
Assistant Professor MOTONE Keisuke

The vision of our laboratory is to create innovative biotechnologies to realize a society where everyone can live in comfort. To realize this vision, we are developing next-generation biotechnologies by analyzing, reconstructing, and applying the extremely diverse functions of microorganisms by expanding the framework of omics science, information science, and synthetic biology.
