Our research focuses on lasers, a technology that supports safe and secure modern life. In particular, we aim to establish the field of “power photonics” by integrating the development of power lasers and their ultra-precise control and application research. The development of power laser systems includes ultrashort pulsed and ultra-intense lasers and GHz repetitive lasers. We are also developing technologies for ultra-precise control of optical structures in the spatio-temporal domain. These technologies are being used to create nanomaterials, plasmonics applications and highly efficient eco-fabrication.
We are studying the nonlinear photonics for the generation of the ultraviolet light using high quality nonlinear optic crystal and terahertz generation and the applications.
(1)Developments of nonlinear optic crystals for the UV light generation.
(2)Developments of new laser sources and the applications.
(3)Developments of Terahertz engineering – New Terahertz devices and applications of meta-material –
(4)Solid state physics using terahertz and femtosecond laser pulses, Ultrafast spectroscopy.
Massive data obtained from networks and sensors contain useful but also useless information. However, data analysis manually performed without using any tools to extract the useful information is powerless. Our laboratory studies novel reasoning and learning principles for extracting/discovering the useful knowledge from the massive data by using computers. These technologies are called machine learning and data mining. Concurrently, we also apply these techniques to practical fields including science, information network, quality and risk management, medicine, security, marketing, energy, finance and so on.
To realize human-friendly robots and computers, the spoken dialogue function is inevitable. We study dialogue systems using the speech recognition technology. Based on speech signal processing, natural language processing, and machine learning techniques, we are conducting various studies including knowledge acquisition through dialogue and multimodal dialogue systems.
Quantum system electronics group studies quantum information processing using the quantum mechanical nature of electron spins and photons, and spintronics based on the development and hybridization of optical, electrical and spin materials. We investigate the growth and characterization of high quality materials and perform precise quantum transport measurements. Aim of our research is the realization of novel phenomena emerging in quantum nano-structures that can control the photon, electron and spin degrees of freedom.
An electron microscope is an important instrument to observe micrometer-, nanometer-, and atomic-scale world that is invisible to the naked eye. We are engaged in research and development of various techniques and technologies that will become the cutting-edge electron microscope measurements. Utilizing various state-of-the-art electron microscopes including the ultra-high voltage electron microscope with the world’s highest accelerating voltage of 3 million volts, we are energetically working on the refinement of three-dimensional measurement methods for ultrafine materials, the development of a novel imaging method without using lenses, and the application of lens-aberration-corrected microscopy to device material measurements.
Research Outline
This area contributes to the creation of terahertz wave engineering, which is expected to be used in Beyond 5G, and develops new terahertz functions in nanomaterials, terahertz photonic devices, and new terahertz measurement system technologies. In addition, we are developing the field of terahertz biosensing, and are constantly tackling new challenges. We also conduct a wide range of research from basic science to industrial applications using our own terahertz measurement system, and foster researchers with originality. We aim to contribute to society through our research, development, and educational achievements.
Main research themes
[1] Research and development of terahertz biosensing imaging
[2] Exploration of ultrafast optical and terahertz functions of nanomaterials and wide-gap semiconductors
[3] Development and application of millimeter-wave 3D imaging system using AI and machine learning
[4] Development of new analytical instruments and their industrial applications
The area focuses on realization of the world’s highest average-power laser system, including development of new laser materials, novel laser oscillation and amplification methods, and beam control techniques. We newly propose “Smart Power Laser” as a modularized, on-demand designable and multi-purpose laser system for a wide range of applications from laser processing and fluorescence analysis to laser-accelerated beams (X-ray, ion, neutron) and laser nuclear fusion:
(1) Development of high average-power laser module.
(2) Developments of new laser materials, laser oscillation and amplification techniques, and coherent beam coupling technology.
(3) Laser processing and high-performance optical measurement using high repetition rate lasers.
(4) Smart Power Lasers for the creation of cyber-physical laser systems.
We are researching laser materials for information photonics, nonlinear optical crystals, and translucent ceramics such as phosphor development, which are the basis of advanced lasers. We are also conducting applied research on laser lighting (advanced headlights, IoT lighting stations), LiDAR for robots and autonomous driving, and laser pest control (agricultural applications).
・Research on optical functional materials: Transparent ceramic, laser crystal, wavelength conversion and so on.
・Study on application of visible laser diode: Laser lighting and display, laser measurement, laser power supply and so on.